I still remembered the day clearly, as if it happened everyday (Nauzubillah). The day before it happened, I’ve asked Roshdi when we were in the office toilet, that I felt something moving at my ari-ari and he said
“angin je tu, kurangkan minum ais”
which was true, in normal circumstances. But for that historical day, I was preparing to go to office that day, it was around 7 at that time, when suddenly……
The pain was unbearable. It started at my kidney, then moving down towards the ari-ari on my left side. I was going to pee at that time, with my pants down of course. No, I’m not going to tell you some porn here okay :-). But there’s no pain when I’m peeing, the pain comes from the inside.
I crawled back to the living room, screaming all the way. The house was empty at that time. I managed myself to call Roshdi at that time, that the pain I felt yesterday was becoming increasingly unbearable, and I won’t be able to make it to the office.
Then, the problem of transport. I cannot straighten my body at that time, as if by bending down would make any better. Nothing I did at that time reduced the pain. I even punched myself at the kidney, but no effect. Then I remembered Zu, he was unemployed at that time, so I make the last call for the day, I called him, and asked him to pick me up.
I started to cry at that time. I found out later that everyone who has encountered the same problem as mine would react the same way. Cried, screaming and for some of them berguling-guling on their bed, and people who were with them could only watched, as they was nothing that they could do anyway. The pain……..was hell.
I went to the clinic with Zu, after remembering to put my pants up (the most tricky part). Suddenly, the pain gone! It gone suddenly as if nothing has happened. It was about an hour after I make the first call. But as Zu has already arrived, I went with him regardless. They tested my urine, and it contained blood. The doctor asked me whether I’ve got kidney stone before, and the answer is no. They referred me to Dr. Mahmud at Ampang Putri.
I went to see him, alone as Zu has something that he has to do that day. And as I’ve said before, there’s no more pain. I could drive, as slow as it can, afraid the attack would come again, and thank Allah that Ampang Putri is near.
I went to see Dr Mahmud, X-ray (something happened during the X-ray, but that’s another story) and confirmed, there’s a 4mm crystallite stone in my kidney’s tube. The picture was……as if looking at beauty and the beast. My right kidney was so cute, small, and the tube that connected it to the bladder was small and thin. To watch the creation of Allah in our body was awesome.
However, my left kidney was the beast. It was 3 times bigger, and the tube remembered me of Samy Vellu’s road, zig-zagging, bumping and some of the tube was bigger than the other. Dr Mahmud said that was because the stone travel through the tube, and as it was quite big, it got stuck sometimes at the time, which explained the bumping and zig-zagging. The kidney was bigger as the stone was currently on the door to my bladder, and the urine got stuck there, and that was the cause of the pain.
Alhamdulillah, after taking my medication, modern and traditional, after a month I was back to my old self.
What the cause of it? People tend to say it was because I hold my bladder. Although its true, yeah I never pee in public, haha (now I’m doing it), but after doing a lot of research, no one mention about the pee, it was NOT about the pee, it was because of the amount of water consumed by us everyday.
It was true. I drank fresh, clean, colourless water about once every one or two months, and I only drank about three or four glasses of water everyday. Teh tarik in the morning, nescafe during lunch, cordial in the night and if I got lucky, another teh tarik during the evening.
The process was like this. We ate everyday. The food come to our stomach, and the stomach will process the protein and carbohydrate, where the excess amount would be kicked out using the “back door”. The vitamin, calcium and all, will not be process by our stomach, it will be transferred to our kidney, where the excess will be kicked out using the urine. However, without water, how the process would end?
The excess amount that couldn’t be out would stay in the kidney, and with time, it will formed into the crystallite stone. The article wrote that it’s okay to eat, as long as the fresh water consumed is more than the food consumed, about 2 to 1. I drank fresh water right now, at first, it was hard, tasteless, but now, I can feel the sweetness of it. For you guys out there, drink, drink and drink everyday. I would never want anyone to feel the way I felt. It could save you a lot of pain.
“angin je tu, kurangkan minum ais”
which was true, in normal circumstances. But for that historical day, I was preparing to go to office that day, it was around 7 at that time, when suddenly……
The pain was unbearable. It started at my kidney, then moving down towards the ari-ari on my left side. I was going to pee at that time, with my pants down of course. No, I’m not going to tell you some porn here okay :-). But there’s no pain when I’m peeing, the pain comes from the inside.
I crawled back to the living room, screaming all the way. The house was empty at that time. I managed myself to call Roshdi at that time, that the pain I felt yesterday was becoming increasingly unbearable, and I won’t be able to make it to the office.
Then, the problem of transport. I cannot straighten my body at that time, as if by bending down would make any better. Nothing I did at that time reduced the pain. I even punched myself at the kidney, but no effect. Then I remembered Zu, he was unemployed at that time, so I make the last call for the day, I called him, and asked him to pick me up.
I started to cry at that time. I found out later that everyone who has encountered the same problem as mine would react the same way. Cried, screaming and for some of them berguling-guling on their bed, and people who were with them could only watched, as they was nothing that they could do anyway. The pain……..was hell.
I went to the clinic with Zu, after remembering to put my pants up (the most tricky part). Suddenly, the pain gone! It gone suddenly as if nothing has happened. It was about an hour after I make the first call. But as Zu has already arrived, I went with him regardless. They tested my urine, and it contained blood. The doctor asked me whether I’ve got kidney stone before, and the answer is no. They referred me to Dr. Mahmud at Ampang Putri.
I went to see him, alone as Zu has something that he has to do that day. And as I’ve said before, there’s no more pain. I could drive, as slow as it can, afraid the attack would come again, and thank Allah that Ampang Putri is near.
I went to see Dr Mahmud, X-ray (something happened during the X-ray, but that’s another story) and confirmed, there’s a 4mm crystallite stone in my kidney’s tube. The picture was……as if looking at beauty and the beast. My right kidney was so cute, small, and the tube that connected it to the bladder was small and thin. To watch the creation of Allah in our body was awesome.
However, my left kidney was the beast. It was 3 times bigger, and the tube remembered me of Samy Vellu’s road, zig-zagging, bumping and some of the tube was bigger than the other. Dr Mahmud said that was because the stone travel through the tube, and as it was quite big, it got stuck sometimes at the time, which explained the bumping and zig-zagging. The kidney was bigger as the stone was currently on the door to my bladder, and the urine got stuck there, and that was the cause of the pain.
Alhamdulillah, after taking my medication, modern and traditional, after a month I was back to my old self.
What the cause of it? People tend to say it was because I hold my bladder. Although its true, yeah I never pee in public, haha (now I’m doing it), but after doing a lot of research, no one mention about the pee, it was NOT about the pee, it was because of the amount of water consumed by us everyday.
It was true. I drank fresh, clean, colourless water about once every one or two months, and I only drank about three or four glasses of water everyday. Teh tarik in the morning, nescafe during lunch, cordial in the night and if I got lucky, another teh tarik during the evening.
The process was like this. We ate everyday. The food come to our stomach, and the stomach will process the protein and carbohydrate, where the excess amount would be kicked out using the “back door”. The vitamin, calcium and all, will not be process by our stomach, it will be transferred to our kidney, where the excess will be kicked out using the urine. However, without water, how the process would end?
The excess amount that couldn’t be out would stay in the kidney, and with time, it will formed into the crystallite stone. The article wrote that it’s okay to eat, as long as the fresh water consumed is more than the food consumed, about 2 to 1. I drank fresh water right now, at first, it was hard, tasteless, but now, I can feel the sweetness of it. For you guys out there, drink, drink and drink everyday. I would never want anyone to feel the way I felt. It could save you a lot of pain.
Dude, this is the first time i'm reading any of this blogging stuff and it's cool. So...does it still works? please elaborate.
What do you mean does it still works? Hey, thanks for visiting, I really appreciate it. Btw, you are so polite, are you okay? :-)
mojojojo... blogging didn't by just standing in front of pc and which u were in a different place and different mood... for sure its a good one huh....
aku memang polite pun..don't u know how innocent i am!? it's just that i'm greatly misunderstood by people macam kau...hehehehe.
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