Been thinking about a few things that I would love to write during the weekends, however, an attack from the unseen left me stranded on my bed. It begins on late Friday afternoon, and I couldn't say that I'm fully recovered yet, freak me out a bit though.
One of my friend caught dengue yesterday, confirmed. She's been telling me how sick she was since last Wednesday when we went iftar together. I don't think it was that serious at that time. She got MC for 3 days (nothing new actually) , went back to Perak for Eid last Saturday, and been admitted yesterday, after vomitting and all.
Naturally, she's the main suspect for my predicament...... dengue? Nauzubillah. Don't think I'm prepared for it, after all, Eid is just around the corner. By the way, I'm off to Segamat today, after office hour. Maybe I'll call Shahir tonight for a late night drink. It's not like the old days, when my cousins still bachelor, we used to hang out together after doing the chores that Grandma asked us to do. Now, I'm the only one left (my cousins under me are girls, and man? only boys), single and no! Mr. Nash, no, I'm not desperate and lonely, I hate it when you said that.
So, to all of you out there, Selamat Hari Raya and Maaf Zahir Batin. Drive carefully okay? If you're on the verge of sleeping, please stop for a while, 5 minutes rest will not make any difference, but a second you close your eyes when driving could mean closing it forever, heed my words, take care.
Selamat Hari Raya.. drive carefully and do enjoy ur holaeday... words of advice... do drink a lot of 100plus.. can prevent dengue... after raya... think of kari-kepala-ikan-raub- trip...
selamat hari raya, buddy..
may u have a blessed syawal..
balik muar? nak kirim otak2.. :D
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