Monday, November 14, 2005

Open Sesame

Eid has been celebrated by the Muslims around the world for almost 10 days now, and today is the second weekend. People, especially in Malaysia, would take the advantage of weekend to organize an open house, for friends and family to come and celebrate the Eid.

Usually, the organizer would send out the invitation to the ones invited a week before the event so that the invitee could organize their plan, which house to go first (because it’s the custom here to try to fill out all the invitation), how much time to spend at each house etc.

However, for this particular year, what I noticed was instead of inviting the guest at earlier date before the event, the organizer would send out the invitation ad-hoc style, the day of the event itself. This is so true as for all the open house that I’ve went, all of them invited me a few hours before the event, and some of them not even an hour before it starts! As I wrote this, I’ve just got an sms from Gap to come to his house today after Zuhur.

No, I don’t think I’m just a filler okay, hihi. Most of my friends were invited in the same way too. When I went to their house, I saw most of the invitees are friends that live nearby, or close with the organizer. The event tends to be small but for me, it was much more meaningful, as the friends could mingle out more closely together.

But I do receive an invitation from this particular friend for this Saturday open house, but she said she’s only invited selected friends. Don’t get me wrong, she’s married ;-). My point is although I’ve been invited early, but the event would be just for certain friends, ermmmm…..not so open house la :-)

However, the Eid are still long from over. Maybe they will be some that still maintained the tradition, although I’ve didn’t received any invitation for an event like that just yet. It’s weird you know, as when anyone asked me yesterday at Bai’s house whether there’s anymore open house for me to go, I said no, this is the only one today. But as I stepped out of her house, Aie called me and invited me to come to his house, pronto!


Anonymous said...

Bai's beef curry is the best....'terangkat beb'. Salute.

Unknown said...

Agreed, slack mkn byk sgt, x merasa sgt laksam pas2, satu pinggan jer, hihi.