Friday, December 23, 2005


The “last” finance working day of 2005. As of tomorrow till New Year, no cheque will be issue. My department today becomes the battleground of invoices. We still have less than 8 hours to kill. Not good, with the department’s politic, I lost one of my best staff to the worst staff that the department have to offer. I definitely will not complain if the transfer will be made next year, however, it was done two weeks ago, during this time of year. Clever ar my colleague, exchanging my staff with hers, damn politician! No time to train her maa. On my new staff table, pile of invoices still hanging there, giving me the creeps when I walked pass her table, seeing all the urgent chop on top of almost all of the invoices. What done is done. My main concern right now is less accrual! I don’t want the same thing happened in 2004 happen again. If we couldn’t pay this year, at least I wanted it to be entered into the system.

Accompany Bob to meet one of his clients yesterday evening. Showed them a new unique style of wedding album. I didn’t give a damn at first, till Bob showed the album to me. Wow! It was beautiful. The pictures were printed, and it was sort like a story, without words written, the pictures themselves have already spoken. The pictures were self-arranged, and it was none that I’ve ever seen before. Hmm… gonna grab one for me, when the time comes J

Tomorrow, Tag’s wedding, Seremban. The plan was to get a ride on Pejol’s Waja. I’m not sure what’s the plan after that. Home? PD? Or Umbai? Whatever it will be, I’m looking forward to it. It’s a 3 days holiday, and I’m going to enjoy in it.

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